Hydration is often overlooked, despite being essential for maintaining good health. It is particularly important for adults as our bodies lose water over time.
While children’s bodies consist of around 75% water, this drops to about 50% as we age. Proper hydration is therefore crucial for maintaining overall health.
During fasting in Ramadan, the body naturally loses nutrients and electrolytes, leading to feelings of thirst and fatigue. The types of fluids consumed at suhoor and iftar are critical for supporting body cells and ensuring normal body functions. Choosing nutrient-rich beverages can help restore energy, provide essential nutrients, and prepare the body for the next fasting day. It is advised to opt for drinks that are low in sugar and caffeine, yet rich in hydrating properties like electrolytes.
Electrolytes, naturally occurring minerals with electrical charges in the body, are essential for balancing water levels, transporting nutrients into cells, removing toxins, and ensuring the proper functioning of nerves, muscles, heart, and brain.
Here are some hydration tips to follow during iftar:
. Squeeze half a lemon and/or add a pinch of sea salt. This mix helps the body replenish energy and provides instant hydration.
. Spring water contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which promote circulation. While it may cost a little more, the health benefits are worth it.
. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and contains healthy sugars that provide energy. If the sweetness is too strong for your taste, you can dilute it with natural water to reduce the sweetness.
. Add fresh fruit slices to your water bottle for added flavour. The vitamins in the fruit make your drink tasty and free of empty calories.
. Enjoy less beneficial drinks with family and friends, but only after ensuring that you have consumed enough nutritious drinks to hydrate your body.
. It’s well known that adults should drink 6-8 cups of water daily, but this varies depending on factors like activity level and gender. It is recommended to drink at least 6 cups, more if you have a high activity level.
. Drink water slowly during iftar and throughout the evening. Drinking large amounts in one go can cause stomach discomfort.
. Hydration is vital for the body, so always make sure to provide it with nourishing drinks and plenty of water to support your health and cell functions, especially during hot weather.