The investigation into the shocking attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has taken an unexpected turn as Mumbai Police revealed that the 19 sets of fingerprints collected from the scene do not match those of the accused, Shariful Islam.
According to Indian media sources, the fingerprints, gathered from Khan’s Bandra residence after the knife attack on January 15, were sent to the state Criminal Investigation Department (CID) for analysis. A system-generated report has confirmed that these prints do not belong to Shariful, who had been arrested based on CCTV footage. The CID informed Mumbai Police of the negative test result, prompting authorities to send additional samples for further examination.
54-year-old Saif Ali Khan was attacked when an intruder broke into his home. The actor suffered six stab wounds, one of which was dangerously close to his spine, causing spinal fluid leakage. Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital where doctors confirmed that the knife was just 2 mm away from his spinal cord. Fortunately, he is now recovering and was discharged from the hospital earlier this week.
Shariful Islam, a Bangladeshi national, was reportedly attempting a burglary in hopes of securing fake citizenship documents in exchange for money. Mumbai Police are now investigating who may have promised to provide the documents.
The police have also reached out to Western Railway to assist in identifying the suspect, using facial recognition technology to match footage of the intruder from CCTV. Authorities are working to gather more evidence in hopes of building a stronger case against the accused.