Despite their grievances with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Prince William and Kate Middleton are reportedly adopting a similar media strategy to the Sussexes. While Harry and Meghan often face criticism for their public appearances and outspoken comments about the royal family, which has strained their relationship with the Waleses, William and Kate’s recent actions suggest a comparable approach.
A royal expert has highlighted this similarity following the Prince and Princess of Wales breaking royal tradition by publicly sharing Kate’s positive health update. Journalist Tim Teeman told *The Daily Beast*, “Kate and William are selling themselves just as ruthlessly and calculatedly as Harry and Meghan do.”
Teeman added, “The difference is, Harry and Meghan are at the cash register, ready to take your money (or not), while Kate and William are standing to the side, nervously thanking you for coming to the store, and ready to direct you to the cash register, if you, like, want.”
Teeman argued that “selling royalty” is not a new concept, noting that even Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Princess Diana engaged in it through ceremonies, rituals, and royal appearances. “The mode of that selling has shifted over the years, but the intent is still the same. This family wants the British public to continue to fund its existence,” he explained.
Recently, William and Kate released a polished family video, offering a rare glimpse into their private lives, while Kate announced she was “cancer-free.” The royal commentator suggested that this approach is aimed at maintaining public interest and financial support for the monarchy, stating that it is essential for “keeping tourist dollars flowing” and securing the future of Charles, William, and future heirs as heads of state.