Nicole Kidman, the Oscar-winning actress starring in the new Netflix miniseries “The Perfect Couple” alongside Liev Schreiber, made a surprising admission ahead of the show’s release. Before committing to the role, Kidman reached out to Schreiber’s former partner, Naomi Watts, to ensure everything was amicable.
Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, who dated for 11 years before parting ways in 2016, have remained close, and Kidman, who recently received the AFI Lifetime Award for her four-decade-long career, shared in an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly, “We always check in; we’re besties. That was very kind of her to do that.”
With Watts giving her blessing, she expressed excitement for the miniseries, saying, “I’m desperate to [watch] because everyone is raving about it. It just launched, what, two days ago. I’ve seen the trailer, and it looks fantastic.”
Kidman also spoke about her on-screen romance with Schreiber in the series. “There was great depth and heat in this relationship, and it had gone through a lot over time,” she explained. “How do you make it through all of those things if you do not share some sort of passion and joint narrative?”
“The Perfect Couple” is available for streaming on Netflix starting September 5, 2024.