Despite the ongoing rift between Prince Harry and Prince William, their family remains hopeful for reconciliation. While the royal family has its reservations about the Duke of Sussex and his wife, Meghan Markle, Princess Diana’s family is actively seeking to reunite the brothers.
According to royal expert Ian Pelham Turner, Diana’s younger brother, Charles Spencer, is committed to fulfilling a promise he made to his late sister. “Earl Spencer promised at Diana’s funeral to look after his nephews William and Harry,” Turner told Fox News Digital.
Recently, Prince Harry stayed at the Althorp estate, Diana’s childhood home, to attend the funeral of his uncle, Lord Robert Fellowes. Prince William was also present, but there was no communication between the brothers during the event.
Turner noted, “It is no surprise that Harry stayed at Althorp because of their close relationship. Harry can rely on Earl Spencer, who is likely working behind the scenes to mend the relationship between the brothers.”
While the situation remains uncertain, Althorp could potentially serve as a secure temporary refuge for Harry and his family if they choose to return to Britain.