After 14 years apart, Akshay Kumar and director Priyadarshan will work again on the upcoming horror comedy Bhooth Bangla. With the announcement of key cast members like Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, and Asrani, this highly anticipated film has brought back the spirit of 2000s cult comedies. It has been established that Wamiqa Gabbi will play one of the three female leads in Bhooth Bangla. As she moves on to the big screen, her recent success in the digital realm has established her as a talent to keep an eye out for. The film, which promises to be a funny caper…
Author: Hasnain Abid Khanzada
Under Dharmatic Entertainment, Fatima Sana Shaikh and R. Madhavan are set to collaborate on an exciting new project that will begin filming in the first week of November. This pairing is highly anticipated by fans due to the remarkable talent and distinctive screen presence of both actors. Fatima Sana Shaikh It is rumored that the film will focus on a quirky relationship between an older man and a younger woman, offering a novel take on love stories. Following her appearance in the OTT anthology Ajeeb Daastaans, Fatima collaborates with Dharmatic Entertainment on this project for the second time. It represents…
The star, whose real name is Durk Devontay Banks, was arrested on Thursday night in Broward County, Florida, and is currently being held without bail, according to records obtained by US media. The arrest comes one day after it was reported that five people with ties to Banks’ hip-hop group Only The Family (OTF) had been charged in Chicago in relation to a shooting in 2022 that resulted in the death of the cousin of rival rapper Quando Rondo. The shooting occurred in 2022. Since 2019, Lil Durk has had six albums in the top five on the US…
Last year, Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, was paid $79.1 million (£61 million), a 63% increase from the previous year. That was despite Mr. Nadella’s request to reduce a portion of his compensation due to cybersecurity flaws at the tech giant, which resulted in him receiving $5 million less than he would have otherwise received. This year, Microsoft, like many other tech companies, has laid off thousands of employees, many of whom work in its gaming division. However, the board stated in a proxy statement that was submitted to the US financial regulator that the company’s revenue increased by…
UK : For the severe online sexual abuse of children and the manslaughter of a 12-year-old girl, a Northern Irish man received a life sentence with a minimum of 20 years behind bars. The 26-year-old from County Armagh, Alexander McCartney, admitted 185 charges, including more than 50 counts of blackmail. He is now one of the most prolific online child abusers in the world. He created fake personas to target up to 3,500 10 to 16-year-old victims from over 30 countries. After Cimarron Thomas, a 12-year-old American, committed suicide in 2018 while he was abusing her, he pleaded guilty to…
The toilets flush, and the taps supply us with water. The water industry in England and Wales functions in this way. It’s a mess in almost every other way. After the toilets have flushed, the mess is most obvious. More than twice as much raw sewage was released by privatized water companies in England the previous year (3.6 million hours). Feargal Sharkey, a former pop star, has been praising the industry as a “chaotic shambles” for years, and now millions of customers, surfers, and bathers agree. Not just our coastlines, lakes, and rivers. Some communities have had their water supplies…
A list honoring influential black Britons features a man who was twice homeless as a teenager before becoming a multimillionaire entrepreneur. Dean Forbes is the CEO of a software company after beginning his career in a call center after failing to make it as a professional footballer. He rose through “abject poverty” on a south-east London estate to become chief executive of the Swedish software company Forterro. Forbes described the achievement of topping the Powerlist in 2025 as a “professional and career high.” He told the BBC that his disabled mother always encouraged her children to be optimistic and gave…
US Election 2024 On Thursday, former President Barack Obama presided over an all-star rally for Kamala Harris in Georgia. The Democrats are attempting to gain support from the powerful black voter base in the state. Obama stated to the crowd, “You need to remind folks who were still on the sidelines that the election is about more than policies, values, and caring.” Actor Samuel L. Jackson, director Spike Lee, and actor and director Tyler Perry, in addition to Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock and rocker Bruce Springsteen, came before Obama. Opinion polls show that Harris has lost some ground with the…
US Election 2024 At a jubilant national convention in Chicago two months ago, Kamala Harris was crowned the Democratic presidential nominee. She was the electoral savior for thousands of party members, succeeding an 81-year-old incumbent who appeared incapable of defeating Donald Trump and winning another term. However, senior party strategists informed me at the time that they were concerned Democrats were overconfident about her chances of victory. Now that election day is getting closer and people are getting more nervous, it looks like they were right. Compared to President Joe Biden, who was lagging far behind Trump, Harris undoubtedly enjoyed…
Pakistan : PGC The “fake news” that went viral this month about a college campus rape is “fake news” for Pakistani police. The social media posts offer a rare public reckoning with sexual assault for protesting students. However, both sides agree that the case has ignited a tinderbox of legitimate concerns as the contradictory accounts have spread from the Internet to the streets.