Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering well after sustaining multiple stab wounds during an attempted robbery at his Bandra home in the early hours of January 16. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital confirmed that, as his condition improved, he had been moved from the ICU to a special room. A statement from Saif’s treating doctor reassured fans, saying, “Saif Ali Khan’s condition is stable. He is feeling better and has been shifted to a special room. Visitors are restricted to prevent infection.” Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, said, “I was the first to meet Saif Ali Khan when…
Author: Web Desk
Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan requested privacy after Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in their home during a robbery late on January 16. Taking to Instagram, Kareena said: “It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process the events that have unfolded.” “As we navigate this difficult time, I respectfully and humbly request that the media and paparazzi refrain from the relentless speculation and coverage,” she said. “While we appreciate the concern and support, the constant scrutiny and attention are not only overwhelming but also pose a significant risk to our safety.…
In a bold move, PUMA India has temporarily rebranded its signage to “PVMA” ahead of its official collaboration with badminton icon PV Sindhu. This rebrand signals PUMA’s strategic entry into the badminton market and aligns with its efforts to bolster the sport’s popularity. The new branding, unveiled at select stores across India, stirred excitement and raised anticipation for the partnership with Sindhu, who has become a household name in the sport. Known for her remarkable achievements, including five world championship medals and multiple Olympic and Commonwealth Games victories, Sindhu is set to be the face of PUMA’s new, specialized badminton…
After the success of Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum, renowned writer Farhat Ishtiaq brings yet another gripping tale—Meem Se Mohabbat. Known for classics like Humsafar and Diyar-e-Dil, Ishtiaq once again weaves a story that blends love, emotions, and life’s complexities in a way that resonates deeply with audiences. Starring Ahad Raza Mir as Talha and Dananeer Mobeen as Roshi, the drama follows Talha, a single father caring for his son Mohid, who is recovering from trauma with the help of a speech therapist. On the other hand, Roshi, a carefree young woman struggling with academics, crosses paths with Talha under unusual…
A major electricity theft case has come to light in the Airline Sub-Division of Lahore, implicating singer Jawad Ahmed and his wife. According to Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) officials, the theft was discovered at a beauty parlour owned by Jawad Ahmed’s wife. During LESCO’s raid, a phase of the electricity meter at the beauty parlour was found to be dead, indicating tampering. During the operation, Jawad Ahmed reportedly arrived at the scene, confronted the officials, and allegedly attacked meter readers Asghar and Shahid. LESCO authorities claim that not only did Jawad Ahmed physically assault the employees, but he also…
The attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan early Thursday morning has taken a bizarre turn, with Mumbai Police suggesting that the attacker may have been inside the actor’s Bandra residence long before the horrifying scuffle. Initial police investigations pointed to a possible robbery attempt, but CCTV footage from the building’s security cameras, recorded two hours before the attack, shows no suspicious activity or any individual entering the housing society. The shocking incident unfolded around 2:30 AM, when Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by an intruder. A female member of his team was also injured and rushed to…
Pakistan has achieved a significant milestone in space innovation by successfully launching its first locally developed electro-optical satellite, EO-1. The satellite was launched from China’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Suparco) held a celebratory event in Islamabad to commemorate this historic occasion. At the event, Suparco officials highlighted the diverse applications of the EO-1 satellite, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize disaster response, agriculture, urban planning, and natural resource management. Suparco spokesperson Mushtaq Hussaini stated that the EO-1 satellite, developed in collaboration with China, represents a breakthrough in Pakistan’s indigenous space capabilities. “The EO-1…
Minister of State for Information Technology Shaza Fatima Khawaja informed the National Assembly on Friday that there has been a 28% increase in information and computer technology exports in the first six months of the current fiscal year. Responding to the Question Hour, she said that this increase in exports was directly proportional to the rise in internet usage and speed in the country. Shaza Fatima pointed out that VPNs and WhatsApp are fully functional. She mentioned that comprehensive efforts are underway to bring substantial improvement in the overall internet experience. Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change Ahmad Atteeq Anwer told…
Garena revealed the latest batch of Free Fire redeem codes for January 17, 2025, which will grant players access to exclusive in-game content and awards. These codes offer time-sensitive possibilities to both Free Fire and Free Fire Max gamers. Today’s code release includes 17 unique combinations, each offering different in-game rewards. Players can access these benefits by entering the following verified codes through the official redemption portal. Garena Free Fire Redeem Codes for Today, January 17, 2025: FFNFSXTPVQZ9 FFMGY7TPWNV2 FFNRWTQPFDZ9 FFSUTXVQF2NR BLFY7MSTFXV2 FY9MFW7KFSNN FFMSTXP2FWCK NPCQ2FW7PXN2 FFNRX2MQ7SUA FFKSY7PQNWHG FFXT7SW9KG2M FF4MTXQPFDZ9 FFSP9XQ2TNZK FFSP9XQ2TNZK FFYNC9V2FTNN FFYNC9V2FTNN FPSTQ7MXNPY5 What is Garena Free Fire? Free…
The fault in the global submarine cable AAA-1, detected on January 2 near Qatar, remains unresolved even after two weeks, leading to slow internet services in various cities across Pakistan. A spokesperson for Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) stated that the fault has impacted users’ ability to access social media apps and web browsing efficiently. Despite efforts to address the issue, social media platforms continue to experience slowness during peak hours. To mitigate the impact, internet traffic has been rerouted through alternative channels, and additional bandwidth has been arranged to stabilize the service. “Internet service across the country is operating…