A heated exchange between PTI’s Naeem Haider Panjutha and PML-N’s Ikhtiar Wali Khan during a live TV programme escalated into a physical altercation. In the video circulating on social media, Khan is seen grabbing Panjutha by the shoulder and pushing him, prompting Panjutha to rise from his seat and initiate a brawl. The two exchanged punches and kicks until they were separated by the programme’s team.
This is not the first such incident between leaders of the rival parties, as relations between PTI and PML-N have remained bitter for years. Previous physical altercations include one between PML-N Senator Dr. Afnan Ullah Khan and PTI MNA Sher Afzal Marwat, and another between PTI’s late Naeemul Haq and PML-N’s Daniyal Aziz on a TV show.