Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, has been granted a groundbreaking new role by King Charles, marking a major shift in the British royal family’s relationship with industry. For the first time in 115 years, a Princess of Wales will have the authority to formally grant Royal Warrants, a responsibility traditionally held by the monarch and occasionally the heir to the throne.
This new power allows Kate to bestow the Royal Warrant, which grants companies and brands permission to use the Royal Arms, a symbol of royal approval. Experts believe this move could have a significant impact on British businesses, particularly those in the fashion and luxury sectors, with many already referring to it as a “game-changer.”
The “Kate effect” is well-known, with her personal style influencing global brands. Nicola Pink, a PR expert, noted that Kate’s choices have always felt genuine, and her involvement in granting Royal Warrants will only strengthen her influence on British commerce.
The Royal Warrant is awarded to companies demonstrating exemplary quality and has historically been reserved for the monarch or heir. The last time a Princess of Wales held such authority was in the early 20th century under Queen Mary. Kate’s new role is seen as a reflection of King Charles’s focus on elevating the roles of his son and daughter-in-law in shaping the future of the royal family.