Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is expected to be discharged from Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital today, following a violent stabbing incident at his Bandra residence last week. Dr. Nitin Dange, the attending physician, confirmed that Saif’s discharge papers were filed, and he is likely to leave the hospital between 10 am and 12 pm today.
The actor had been hospitalized after an assailant attacked him with a knife during a burglary attempt at his home. Saif was stabbed nearly six times before being rushed to the hospital, where he underwent two surgeries to treat his injuries.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif’s wife, described the terrifying event, mentioning that Saif bravely intervened to protect the house help and ensure the safety of their son, Jeh, who was present during the incident. Despite the attacker being in the house with jewelry visible, nothing was stolen.
The police are investigating the case to determine the motive behind the attack. On the professional front, Saif was last seen in the Telugu film Devara, where he starred alongside Jr. NTR and Janhvi Kapoor. Fans and colleagues have expressed relief and support for the actor following this traumatic ordeal.