Pakistani renowned actress Kubra Khan, known for her popular drama series like “Sang-e-Mar Mar,” “Alif Allah Aur Insaan,” and “Sinf-e-Ahan,” has confirmed the rumors regarding her wedding.
In a recent conversation on Irfan Haq’s show “Irfanistan,” she revealed that she will indeed be getting married in February.
Kubra Khan gained further fame after her performance in “Noor Jahan.” When asked about the wedding rumors involving Gohar Rashid, she said, “Yes, I am getting married in February.”
Kubra Khan’s Wedding Confirmation Kubra Khan’s statement put the speculation to rest, although the use of the word “obviously” left some ambiguity, which piqued more curiosity among fans and the media.
The wedding rumors had been circulating for some time, particularly when Gohar Rashid posted videos on social media showcasing wedding preparations. He had used the hashtag “Mere Yaar Ki Shadi,” which further fueled speculations. Later, he informed his followers that he would soon make an official announcement about the wedding.
Kubra Khan and Gohar Rashid’s Relationship Kubra Khan and Gohar Rashid have always shared a close bond, and both have expressed mutual respect for each other. However, they have kept their personal lives private and only occasionally responded to public speculation.
Kubra Khan highlighted her time in “Sang-e-Mar Mar,” emphasizing that it was this drama through which she made her debut with Hum TV.
Kubra Khan is a well-established and respected figure in the Pakistani entertainment industry, known for her versatile acting skills and strong screen presence.