Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has finally broken her silence regarding the shocking stabbing incident involving her husband, Saif Ali Khan. The incident, which took place on January 16, 2025, at their Mumbai residence, has left fans and the film industry in deep shock.
Kareena took to Instagram to address the situation with an emotional yet composed message. She expressed gratitude for the support and prayers her family has received and updated fans on Saif’s condition. “It’s been a challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process it.” She also urged everyone to respect their privacy during this difficult time.
The attack occurred when an intruder entered Saif’s residence using a fire escape staircase. CCTV footage revealed the suspect, and Mumbai Police have launched an investigation to ensure swift justice. Saif, who sustained six injuries, including a deep wound near his spine, is currently recovering at the hospital.