The attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan early Thursday morning has taken a bizarre turn, with Mumbai Police suggesting that the attacker may have been inside the actor’s Bandra residence long before the horrifying scuffle.
Initial police investigations pointed to a possible robbery attempt, but CCTV footage from the building’s security cameras, recorded two hours before the attack, shows no suspicious activity or any individual entering the housing society.
The shocking incident unfolded around 2:30 AM, when Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by an intruder. A female member of his team was also injured and rushed to the hospital.
Fortunately, her condition is stable, but Saif remains under medical supervision at Lilavati Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment.
Police Details
Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam confirmed to the media that Saif was attacked inside his home and was subsequently rushed to the hospital around 3:00 AM. A police team, along with senior officials, arrived at the scene shortly after. “Upon receiving the information, we immediately sent a team to investigate. The actor has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital, where he is being treated for his injuries,” Gedam stated.
However, the investigation has raised more questions. CCTV footage from the building’s security cameras shows no suspicious activity two hours before the attack, leading police to suspect that the attacker may have already been inside the premises.
Authorities are still investigating whether the attack was a robbery attempt or if there was another motive behind it.