Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur recently had a humorous social media moment when she mistakenly mistook a fan account of Pakistani actress Hania Aamir for the real one. The amusing mix-up occurred when the fan account, verified with a blue tick, praised Mrunal’s acting skills on X (formerly Twitter).
The fan page wrote, “I may be emotional, but for me, @mrunal0801 is the best actor of this generation. She is unparalleled. I don’t see any other actress as versatile as her in India.” Believing it was Hania Aamir herself, Mrunal enthusiastically replied, “Hania, you made my day. Thank you so much, my dear.”
Fans quickly pointed out the mix-up, with one user writing, “That’s a fan page,” while another teased, “That’s not a real account, Mrunal.” Some even humorously criticized her PR team, saying, “I can help you build your Twitter a lot better than what your current team is doing.”
Taking the feedback in stride, Mrunal responded with humor and grace, saying, “Hahahaha, so sweet. I’m my team!”
On the work front, Mrunal is gearing up for her role in the action-drama Dacoit, opposite Adivi Sesh. Directed by Shaneil Deo, the film is set to release later this year.