Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan, the creators of “Bhool Bhulaiyaa,” are reuniting for a new horror-comedy titled “Bhooth Bangla.”
The film stars Akshay alongside Wamiqa Gabbi, Tabu, Paresh Rawal, Asrani, and Rajpal Yadav. The shooting for the film began on January 6, 2025, in Jaipur.
In 2007, Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan collaborated on “Bhool Bhulaiyaa,” a horror-comedy that became a cult classic. Now, 18 years later, they are working together again on “Bhooth Bangla.”
The film is being shot at the same location as “Bhool Bhulaiyaa,” specifically Chomu Palace in Jaipur, adding a nostalgic element to the production.
According to sources, over 60% of “Bhooth Bangla” will be shot at the palace. The film blends horror with humor, with supernatural elements revolving around the “Bangla,” and Akshay’s character playing a central role in the madness.
Aside from Jaipur, parts of the film will also be shot in Mumbai and London. “Bhooth Bangla” is expected to feature high VFX and be set against the backdrop of Indian mythology.
The film is slated for release in April 2026, while Akshay Kumar will also appear in several other projects like “Sky Force,” “Shakaran,” “Jolly LLB 3,” “Housefull 5,” and “Welcome To The Jungle.”