Lady Superstar Nayanthara finds herself embroiled in yet another legal controversy. The makers of the 2005 Tamil blockbuster Chandramukhi have accused her and Netflix of using footage from the film without authorization in her wedding documentary Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale. They are demanding compensation of INR 5 crore.
The legal notice claims that clips from Chandramukhi were included in the documentary without proper permission. Industry insider Chitra Lakshmanan revealed, “The makers of Chandramukhi are unhappy with the inclusion of certain scenes in the documentary, and they have taken legal action.”
Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale showcases the actress’s love story and her extravagant 2022 wedding to filmmaker Vignesh Shivan in Mahabalipuram. It also features snippets from her iconic films, including Chandramukhi.
This isn’t the first legal challenge for the documentary. Actor-producer Dhanush had previously sent a notice over unauthorized use of clips from his film Naanum Rowdy Dhaan. At the time, Nayanthara dismissed his allegations with a bold statement on social media.
Known for her powerful portrayal of Durga in Chandramukhi, Nayanthara has not yet responded to the latest allegations. Fans eagerly await her response as this legal drama continues to unfold.