Pakistani actress Hania Aamir, celebrated for her stellar performance in the drama Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum, recently opened up about being dubbed the “face of Gen-Z” in Pakistan during an interview with CNN.
“I don’t take a lot of pressure. I just try and be myself, and whatever comes my way, I just try and do it with as much honesty as I can,” Hania said when asked about the title. She expressed deep gratitude for her fans’ constant love and support.
The actress later shared the interview clip on Instagram, captioning it, “Reflecting on an incredible year filled with blessings and growth. Grateful to share my journey on CNN’s NYE Live Special and to everyone who’s been a part of this beautiful ride. Here’s to more love, more lessons, and even more magic in 2025!”
Hania also touched on the cultural connection between India and Pakistan, saying, “We’re like distant cousins. We’re just so similar in so many ways. It’s absolutely lovely to see that we can collaborate and are so appreciative of each other.”
A fan of Indian music, Hania often shares videos dancing to Bollywood hits, further cementing her bond with fans across borders.