Actor and producer Saud Qasmi recently stirred controversy by sharing his thoughts on the decline of Pakistan’s film industry. In an interview, he identified Shaan Shahid and Syed Noor as major contributors to Lollywood’s challenges.
“Shaan and Syed Noor have hurt Lollywood. If they wanted, the industry could have progressed significantly,” Saud remarked, also acknowledging shared responsibility by saying, “We’ve all contributed to its downfall.”
While discussing Shaan’s role, Saud hinted, “Shaan’s problem is that he…” before laughing and adding, “Instead of finding faults in others, you should focus on your own.”
His comments sparked mixed reactions, with some fans defending Shaan, calling him “the one and only superstar in Pakistan,” while others criticized Saud’s own career choices.
Reflecting on his television work, Saud highlighted his efforts to promote other actors by avoiding lead roles in his productions. Despite his contributions, he expressed disappointment over the lack of gratitude from those he supported.
The controversy sheds light on ongoing tensions within Pakistan’s entertainment industry, where figures like Saud openly question accountability and challenge norms.