Rakhi Sawant, a renowned Indian actress, model, and digital influencer, is widely recognized for her bold and controversial persona. A few years ago, she married Indian Muslim Adil Durrani and embraced Islam. Despite their marriage ending, Rakhi remained a devoted follower of the faith. Last year, she embarked on an Umrah journey, seeking peace after her separation.
This year, Rakhi has once again started 2025 with a spiritual pilgrimage, performing Umrah. She is currently in Madina and will soon proceed to the Holy Kaaba to complete her pilgrimage.
In her video, Rakhi shared, “The world is celebrating New Year, and we are here on a pilgrimage. It’s heartwarming to start my New Year with this spiritual journey. I believe 2025 will be amazing because I began it with Umrah. People are praying, and I am praying for all my friends and those in need. It’s so peaceful to see everyone performing their Umrah with devotion and peace.”