Bollywood star Ajay Devgn, during the trailer launch of his upcoming film Azaad, shed light on how the film industry has evolved since his debut in Phool Aur Kaante. The 55-year-old actor emphasized that today’s audience is far more aware and demanding, creating immense pressure for young actors to perform flawlessly from the start.
Reflecting on his early career, Ajay mentioned that actors in the past had the opportunity to learn and grow on the job. Mistakes were more easily forgiven by audiences, allowing performers to develop their craft over time. In contrast, modern audiences expect high-quality performances right away, leaving no room for error.
Ajay praised the dedication of the film’s debutants, Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan, highlighting their hard work and the excellent guidance of director Abhishek Kapoor. He shared that he constantly encourages Aaman to exceed his limits, knowing the immense pressure young actors face in today’s unforgiving industry.
The film Azaad, extensively shot in Jaipur, narrates the heartwarming story of a young boy and his horse. It also marks the big-screen debut of TV actor Mohit Malik and features Diana Penty in a striking new role.
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, Azaad is slated to hit theaters on January 17, 2025, promising a touching and visually stunning cinematic experience.