John Abraham, known for his roles in high-concept action films, is set to star in the biopic of Indian Police Officer Rakesh Maria. The film is currently in the scripting stage and will be directed by a leading filmmaker from Indian cinema. John is also involved in the development of the film, which adds to his busy slate with two other projects in the works.
John Abraham has built a reputation as an action hero through his roles in films like Force, Madras Café, Rocky Handsome, Parmanu, and Batla House. His recent role as an antagonist in Pathaan with Shah Rukh Khan was also highly praised. Now, it has been confirmed that he will play the role of Rakesh Maria, the celebrated Indian Police Officer.
The biopic will focus on Rakesh Maria’s significant career, including his role in solving the 1993 Mumbai bomb blast, the Zaveri Bazaar blast, and the 26/11 attacks. According to sources, “Rakesh Maria is one of the most celebrated police officers in Mumbai’s history, and he played a crucial role in capturing terrorists behind multiple attacks during his tenure.”
John is excited about portraying Rakesh Maria and sees the film as a tribute to the police officer’s legacy and his service to the nation. Production is set to begin in the second half of 2025, with the film being directed by one of the leading filmmakers in Indian cinema. The film will also focus on the unique methods Maria employed to solve these complex cases.
Rakesh Maria’s journey will be chronicled from his time as Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) to his role as the Director General of Home Guards. In addition to this biopic, John Abraham has two other films ready for release, Tehran and Diplomat.