Khaqan Shahnawaz recently sparked controversy on social media after suggesting that he could play Kareena Kapoor’s son, not her lover, because she is “too old.”
During a show with Tabish Hashmi on December 14, Shahnawaz responded to a fan’s question about working with Kapoor by saying, “Kareena is quite old,” which led to intense criticism.
Kapoor’s fans labeled his comments as “ageist” and referenced her widespread popularity in Bollywood. One fan remarked, “Brother thinks he cracked a joke, but you’re nothing compared to her.” Another said, “Shahnawaz is no one in Pakistan, while Kapoor is a legend in Bollywood.”
Some believe Shahnawaz mentioned Kapoor’s name for attention, with one user calling him “hungry for publicity.” However, a few supported Shahnawaz, acknowledging that Kapoor is indeed older, though their arguments were not entirely convincing.
Kapoor’s supporters quickly responded, emphasizing that “age is just a number” and recalling her consistent presence as a leading actress throughout her career. One user concluded, “Everyone on this earth will grow older,” urging Shahnawaz to refrain from making such remarks.