Richard Perry, a renowned record producer known for his distinctive style and numerous chart-topping hits, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 82. He passed away at a Los Angeles hospital where his friend, Danna Castner, stated that he suffered a heart attack.
“He lived a full life,” Castner said, describing Perry as “generous, witty, kind-hearted,” and a “fatherly friend,” who served as a witness at his son’s wedding. “The world feels a little less sweet without him, but the heavens are a little sweeter.”
Richard Perry was celebrated as a “producer of musicians,” collaborating with various artists to produce hits across pop, R&B, dance, and country charts. His credits include Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain,” Harry Nilsson’s “Without You,” and Pointer Sisters’ “I’m So Excited.” He also worked with Barbra Streisand to enhance her sound and revitalized Rod Stewart’s career through The Great American Songbook series.
“Richard had an innate talent for pairing the right song with the right artist,” Streisand wrote in her autobiography, My Name is Barbra.
In the 1970s, Perry played a pivotal role in Ringo Starr’s Ringo album, which marked a Beatles reunion featuring all four members. The album, featuring hits like “Photograph,” sold over a million copies and peaked at number 2 on the Billboard charts.