Imran Khan, the founding chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has been arrested in seven new cases related to the party’s recent protests. The former Prime Minister, currently imprisoned in Adiala Jail, appeared before an anti-terrorism court after the completion of his six-day physical remand concerning PTI’s September 28 protest in Rawalpindi.
The fresh charges, stemming from protests on October 5 and November 24, accuse Khan of inciting violence, leading to deadly clashes with law enforcement. During the latest protest, at least three Rangers personnel and two police officers were killed, while PTI claims the loss of 20 of its own members.
Despite the severity of these new charges, the prosecution did not request Khan’s physical remand, and the judge instead ordered his judicial remand. Khan now faces judicial custody for all the cases filed against him, including the recent protests.
This development marks a continued escalation of legal challenges for Khan, as authorities respond to PTI’s public demonstrations with heightened scrutiny.