Salman Khan has officially joined the team of his upcoming film Sikandar to shoot an intense action sequence involving a massive train scene. The shoot took place on Wednesday at a specially designed set resembling a railway station in Mumbai. This high-octane scene is expected to be one of the film’s most exciting moments, showcasing Khan’s signature action style.
The film’s crew worked tirelessly to recreate a realistic railway station environment, adding an extra layer of excitement and authenticity to the action-packed sequence. Fans are eagerly awaiting the final product, as the scene promises to deliver the kind of adrenaline rush that Khan’s action films are known for.
Salman Khan’s involvement in the shoot has heightened the anticipation around the film, with many looking forward to seeing his stellar performance in this grand action sequence. The star’s dedication to delivering an unforgettable action experience is evident, and the scene is sure to be a highlight of the film’s release.