Director Rajkumar Santoshi recently opened up about the initial reception of his iconic film Andaz Apna Apna, which starred Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Raveena Tandon, and Karisma Kapoor. Despite its later cult status, the film faced a lukewarm response when it was first released. Santoshi shared that the film’s poor initial performance was mainly due to inadequate publicity and distribution.
In a candid conversation with Doordarshan, Santoshi explained that many people initially believed Andaz Apna Apna would be a typical love story like Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak or Dil, as the marketing did not clearly convey its comedic essence. “The film was misinterpreted as a love story, and people weren’t aware that it was a comedy,” he said. The director also pointed out that the distributors, being relatively new, did not manage the film’s release effectively. Furthermore, Santoshi, along with Aamir and Salman, were not in the city at the time, and there was no premiere event to generate buzz.
Despite these challenges, Andaz Apna Apna gained traction through word of mouth. Santoshi revealed that the audiences who did watch the film immediately loved it, and it gradually became a beloved comedy classic.
Santoshi also teased the possibility of a new comedy project, tentatively titled Adaa Apni Apni. While he did not confirm if it would be a sequel to Andaz Apna Apna, fans are excited about the potential of another hilarious offering from the acclaimed director.