Director Madhur Bhandarkar recently spoke about his film Heroine, highlighting it as one of Kareena Kapoor’s finest performances. The film, which explored the challenging life of a Bollywood actress, starred Kareena in the lead role, earning praise for her portrayal of a troubled star navigating the complexities of fame and personal struggles.
Bhandarkar, renowned for creating cinematic portrayals of the harsh realities of life with his unique blend of fiction and imagination, is known for hits like Fashion, which featured Priyanka Chopra. After the success of Fashion, Bhandarkar ventured into creating Heroine, a film that garnered massive anticipation when it was first announced. Initially, Aishwarya Rai was slated to play the lead role, but ultimately, the role was taken over by Kareena Kapoor, whose performance brought the character to life.
In a recent statement, Bhandarkar shared his admiration for Kareena’s work in the film, calling it one of her best. He also revealed plans to re-release Heroine, offering audiences a chance to revisit this powerful drama.