MOSCOW: In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Google removed Russian state-run and government YouTube channels, resulting in a staggering fine of 20 trillion rubles ($2.5 trillion).
To put it another way, the nation will issue Google a bill totaling $2.5 trillion trillion trillion. That amount, when written out completely, is $2,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Dmitry Peskov, a spokesperson for the Kremlin, claimed that the enormous sum, which he was unable to pronounce, was symbolic.
According to the Russian news agency TASS, Google owes Russia a 36-figure sum for breaking the country’s administrative offences code by preventing YouTube channels from being hosted there.
The report went on to say that if Google doesn’t pay the fine in nine months, it will double every day after that, with no upper limit. Until Google pays the fine, it won’t be able to access Russia.
Thursday, the Kremlin said that Russia’s huge fines for Google were mostly symbolic and meant to get the internet giant to let Russian YouTube channels go free.
According to the Russian news outlet RBK, the total amount of legal claims against Google in Russia has reached two trillion rubles, which is more money than all of the money in the world put together.
Dmitry Peskov, a spokesperson for the Kremlin, stated to Russian news agencies, “I can’t even pronounce this number, but it is more likely imbued with symbolism.” Google should not limit our broadcasters’ actions, but it does.
“Google’s management should pay attention to this and rectify the situation because of this,” he added. Russia has imposed substantial fines on social media companies that are accused of hosting Kremlin-critical or pro-Ukraine content since the beginning of its offensive in Ukraine in February 2022.
YouTube is as yet accessible in Russia yet specialists have over and again took steps to take it disconnected over its prohibitions on state-claimed Russian substance.
In an effort to persuade Google, the owner of YouTube, to comply, Russian courts have repeatedly imposed fines on the tech giant. Each day that Google fails to comply, the legal fees increase.
The Kremlin urged Alphabet’s Google to remove its restriction on Russian TV channels broadcasting on YouTube and expressed the hope that the numerous significant legal claims leveled against the US-based company would prompt it to act.
In March 2022, Google stopped serving ads to Russian users and stopped making money from content it thought was exploiting, dismissing, or condoning Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Since then, it has blocked over 5.5 million videos and over 1,000 YouTube channels, including state-sponsored news.
This week, the business newspaper RBC in Russia reported that the total amount of legal claims brought by 17 Russian television channels against Google in Russian courts, which have imposed compound fines on Google’s revenue in Russia, had reached two undecillion roubles, or 36 zeros.
Peskov stated to reporters, “These demands — they simply demonstrate the essence of our channels’ claims against Google.” Google is restricting our broadcasters’ activities, which violates Google policy.
“Probably, Google’s management ought to pay attention to the enormous legal claims that are piling up and take corrective action.