Kareena Kapoor Khan gave her Instagram followers a candid look into her life today by posting a series of pictures. Kareena’s glowing selfie in the first photo was accompanied by a red cap in the third, which showed Saif Ali Khan and their son Taimur at the Pataudi Palace.
Kareena Kapoor Khan Kareena also shared pictures of a table decorated with framed photos of her and Saif and colorful ninja figurines. A page dedicated to the French city of Bordeaux and a picture of her kids playing with friends at the palace were shared with fans. The final slide showed her holding a brand-new amla to top it all off. She wrote, “A little piece of my world…,” in the post’s caption, which quickly drew praise from fans who referred to her as a queen and praised the recognizable Maharani in her palace.
Kareena Kapoor Khan See the following post:
On the professional front, Kareena is getting ready for her role as Avni in Singham Again, which also stars Deepika Padukone, Ajay Devgn, and others. This Diwali release, which will be in theaters on November 1, promises to be an action-packed addition to the Cop Universe. It is directed by Rohit Shetty.