After 14 years apart, Akshay Kumar and director Priyadarshan will work again on the upcoming horror comedy Bhooth Bangla. With the announcement of key cast members like Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, and Asrani, this highly anticipated film has brought back the spirit of 2000s cult comedies.
It has been established that Wamiqa Gabbi will play one of the three female leads in Bhooth Bangla. As she moves on to the big screen, her recent success in the digital realm has established her as a talent to keep an eye out for. The film, which promises to be a funny caper with three women living in the same house and a mad ensemble cast, is expected to get a new boost from Wamiqa.
Also see: Photos: The cast of Singham Again gathers for lunch with Akshay Kumar. The relationship between Akshay and Wamiqa is kept a secret, which adds to the suspense of the movie. The beginning of filming for Bhooth Bangla is anticipated for January 2025, with a release date of late 2025. Akshay will complete a significant schedule for Housefull 5 in Mumbai beginning at the beginning of November before beginning this project.
More on the horror-comedy film Wamiqa Gabbi, starring Akshay Kumar, Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, and Bhooth Bangla