hah Rukh Khan, more commonly referred to as the “King of Bollywood,” has long been praised for his charm and attractive appearance. Science has now confirmed this perception. Dr. Julian De Silva, a well-known celebrity plastic surgeon, conducted a new study that placed the superstar among the top ten most attractive male actors in the world.
The mathematical formula known as the “Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi” was used in this study to measure aesthetic appeal and perfection. Dr. De Silva looked at the actors’ facial symmetry by using cutting-edge face-mapping software to see how closely their features matched the Golden Ratio.
The 2024 rundown features that Khan isn’t simply a heart breaker in India and Pakistan yet universally one of the most appealing entertainers to exist. He’s likewise the main Indian entertainer highlighted in the best 10, with a facial evenness score of 86.76 percent, putting him in tenth position. It’s no wonder he has appeal across generations.
SRK was joined on the list by a number of international stars. With a facial symmetry score of 87.94 percent, British actor Idris Elba came in ninth, while Riverdale star Charles Melton came in eighth with a score of 88.46 percent. With a symmetry of 89.84 percent, Nicholas Hoult, best known for his role in The Great, took seventh place.
With a score of 89.9 percent, Hollywood icon George Clooney came in sixth, just missing the top five. Jack Lowden, best known for Dunkirk, came in fifth place with a symmetry score of 90.33 percent. The Batman entertainer Robert Pattinson followed intently in fourth with 92.15 pc.
Fighter II star Paul Mescal procured the third spot, bragging a balance score 92.38 pc. In the mean time, English entertainer Lucien Leon Laviscount, known for his initial work in Grange Slope, and later appearances in Crowning celebration Road and Waterloo Street, protected second spot with 92.41 pc.