Karan Johar’s Understudy Of The Year sent off Alia Bhatt in the Hindi entertainment world, and it’s additionally the film that the Parkway entertainer needs her girl, Raha, to watch. In a recent conversation, Alia selected Student of the Year when asked which of her films she would like Raha to watch first. Despite the fact that she acknowledged that she was not particularly pleased with her performance in the film, she is confident that Raha would enjoy it due to the numerous dance and song sequences.
Talking with IMDb, Alia shared, “I maintain that Raha should watch Understudy Of The Year since it’s the most youthful and the most chill film a youngster could watch. Although I’m not particularly proud of my performance in it, it was my first movie. It has a lot of songs, which I think she would really like. Concerning Ranbir’s film that she believes Raha should see, Alia said, “I believe she should watch Ranbir’s Barfi. It seems to be very kid-friendly, so Barfi is a good option.