In a distressing incident during the second Test match scheduled in Kanpur, Hindu extremists attacked a Bangladeshi fan amid the ongoing series between Bangladesh and India. By the end of the first day’s play, Bangladesh had scored 107 runs with three wickets down.
The fan, known as Tiger Ruby, is a dedicated supporter of Bangladesh, much like “Chacha Pakistan” who supports every match. He was assaulted by a group of Hindu extremists during the Kanpur Test, resulting in serious injuries and leaving him in a state of distress.
Video footage and images of the incident have surfaced on social media, shedding light on the challenges of hosting such matches in India.
Prior to the match, extremist Hindu organizations had threatened to protest outside the stadium against the alleged atrocities faced by Hindus in Bangladesh following the fall of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government.
In response to these claims, the interim government of Bangladesh has firmly denied the allegations, asserting that negative propaganda is being spread.
Despite the threats from Hindu extremists, the Indian board did not increase security measures for Bangladeshi fans during the match. This incident raises serious concerns about the safety and atmosphere surrounding international sporting events in the region.