Bollywood actress Preeti Jhangiani has shared an update about her husband, actor Parvin Dabas, who was admitted to the ICU following a car accident.
According to Indian media, the 50-year-old actor was injured in a car crash on Saturday morning and rushed to a Mumbai hospital’s ICU.
In her latest statement, Preeti Jhangiani explained that her husband is experiencing symptoms like dizziness, blurred vision, drowsiness, and nausea. He is having difficulty speaking, although his medical reports are normal.
Speaking to Indian media, Preeti added that Parvin Dabas will remain in the hospital for another week and is expected to be transferred from the ICU to a ward soon.
“We will conduct another CT scan in three days. This accident has been a shock for us, and we are still coping with it,” Preeti shared.
Actor Parvin Dabas Admitted to ICU After Accident
Regarding the accident, Preeti revealed that Parvin had been driving early in the morning after working through the night. The crash occurred due to the blinding headlights of another vehicle. Fortunately, the accident happened near a hospital, and two young men brought Parvin to the emergency room.
There were initial rumors circulating that Parvin was driving under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. Preeti Jhangiani addressed these claims, stating that a test was conducted, and the results came back negative, ruling out any possibility of drunk driving.
She further clarified that the police report also dismissed these rumors.