The Indian Border Security Force (BSF) returned the body of a 13-year-old Bangladeshi girl to the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) on Tuesday night, 45 hours after she was fatally shot by BSF personnel.
The handover was confirmed by Kulaura Police Station Officer-in-Charge Binoy Bhusan Roy, who added that the body was later returned to the girl’s family after completing legal formalities.
Lt Col Mizanur Rahman Shikdar of the BGB’s Sreemangal sector reported that the girl, Swarna Das, was shot while attempting to cross the border into India near the Lalarchak area of Sharifpur union in Kulaura upazila on Sunday night.
A flag meeting between the BGB and BSF was held to address the incident.
Swarna Das, daughter of Porendra Das from Kalnigar village in Paschim Juri union, was reportedly trying to visit her eldest brother in Tripura with her mother and two local brokers when the shooting occurred.
The BSF fired on the group as they approached the fence, killing Swarna instantly while her mother narrowly avoided injury.
The incident has sparked outrage and concerns over the use of force in border areas.