ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad police have terminated the services of two officials for stealing case property, including motorcycles, that had been confiscated in separate cases. The dismissed officials include the Malkhana (evidence room) muharar and a computer operator, who were found guilty of misconduct following an internal inquiry.
The investigation was prompted by complaints regarding the misuse of case property at the Tarnol police station. Some motorcycles, which had been impounded by the police, were seen on the roads with their owners discovering that their vehicles had been sold. An audit of the police station’s evidence room revealed that dozens of motorcycles and other valuables were missing. Additionally, some of the stolen items had been replaced to conceal the theft.
The inquiry found that the two officials, who were responsible for managing the evidence room, had stolen over 60 motorcycles and sold them illegally. The dismissal order detailed that the muharar had sold valuable case property to unauthorized individuals and used his position for personal gain. This conduct was deemed to damage the reputation of the police department and was considered a severe abuse of power.
The departmental inquiry, led by the SP Industrial Area Zone, confirmed the officials’ gross professional misconduct and recommended severe disciplinary action. Despite receiving a show-cause notice, the officials did not provide a written response. Their actions were judged to have brought disrepute to the department, leading to their dismissal under the Punjab Police (E&D) Rules, 1975, adopted by the ICT Police.
SSP Operations Arsalan Shahzaib, a supervisory officer, was contacted for comments but did not respond. The police spokesperson confirmed the dismissal of the two officials.