In a tragic turn of events, a man suspected of perpetrating an ambush shooting that claimed the lives of two women in an Independence Heights neighborhood reportedly died by suicide on Wednesday evening, according to sources.
The unfolding scene began around 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, when three friends were gathered on the front porch of a residence on East 37th Street near Yale Street, engaging in conversation. Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered as the suspect ambushed the group, firing at least seven shots and fatally injuring two of the women, aged 39 and 22.
Houston Police Department (HPD) revealed that surveillance footage obtained by indicated the shooter had meticulously planned the attack, donning camouflage pants, a sweatshirt, black gloves, and shoes. The video depicted the suspect concealing themselves behind a fence before swiftly executing the assault and fleeing the scene.
The sole survivor, identified as the best friend of Mary Arredondo, recounted the harrowing ordeal, having narrowly escaped the barrage of gunfire by hiding behind a trailer and calling 911 from her Apple Watch.
The victims, particularly Arredondo, leave behind devastated families, including four children. Tragically, five children were present inside the residence during the attack, but thankfully, they emerged unscathed.
Authorities described the incident as an ambush-style assault, emphasizing the urgency of apprehending the suspect and urging anyone with relevant video footage to come forward to assist in the investigation.
The grieving family members of the victims issued heartfelt pleas for justice, imploring the perpetrator to surrender to authorities and condemning the senseless violence that claimed the lives of their loved ones.