The Pasadena Police Department has confirmed a fatal shooting outside a bar in the early hours of Sunday, leaving one man dead and a woman injured. The incident occurred at approximately 2:30 a.m. in the parking lot of the Volcano Room bar, situated off East NASA Parkway.
Sergeant Raul Granados stated that an altercation broke out between a man and a couple in the bar’s parking lot, which escalated into a shootout between the two men. Granados indicated that the dispute appeared to have stemmed from a disagreement over parking space.
Tragically, one of the men involved in the altercation was fatally shot, while the woman sustained a gunshot wound to the arm. Thankfully, she is expected to recover from her injuries, according to police reports.
The other individual involved in the shooting reportedly remained at the scene and is cooperating with law enforcement officers, as stated by the police.
Fortunately, no additional injuries were reported in the surrounding area.