Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just come under fire for behaving like nothing more than ‘sound bites’ with family fury on the brain.
Accusations regarding Meghan Markle and her plans for the future have been brought to light by Daniela Elser.
She started the allegations off by saying, “For years, the Sussexes have been earnestly banging on about how they are going to, any minute now, start producing podcasts, TV shows and documentaries that would constitute the application of Mother Teresa-like caring to the streaming model.”
So Ms Elser admits “Out Harry and Meghan would go, I assumed, to front shows where they would highlight the world’s travails before hugging as many Third-Worlders who would hold still for the cameras.”
While “It might have been uncomfortable, there might have been more than a hint of the exploitative – nothing like stars travelling to Africa to prove they are caring bonafides by briefly co-opting the suffering of others – but it would have been something,” she also added according to
“Illness, wars and causes overlooked would have been, I figured, highlighted,” if they duo would have stayed on this path.
“Money probably would have flowed and I reckon it would have been what Diana, Princess of Wales would be doing if fate hadn’t cruelly intervened.”
“But no, instead, the Sussexes have proven to be an exercise in sound bites and family fury signifying nothing,” Ms Elser also noted before signing off.