Amid backlash, Prince Harry and Prince Andrew seem to want “nothing to do with each other, at least optics-wise
These claims and allegations have been brought forward by royal author Daniela Elser.
She warns, “There is something just a bit strange going on right now in the weird, not-so-wide, world of royaldom. No, I don’t mean anything to do with irate Kings and their petulant sons and TV deals and a bevy of petty whinges about lipgloss and dog bowls and a chronic hug deficit. Oh no.”
According to the NZ Herald, “The Spares want nothing to do with each other, at least optics-wise.”
While Prince Harry hates the idea of being ‘lumped’ together with his uncle accused of engaging with a known pedophile, to the same uncle not wanting to move into a smaller estate than what he was used to .
“But like it or not both blokes are now united by something else, namely some very bad news about wills,” Ms Elser also added before signing off.