LAHORE: Peshawar Zalmi and Lahore Qalandars have the best combination for the upcoming edition of the HBL Pakistan Super League, reckons former Pakistan captain Inzamam-ul-Haq.“Competition in the PSL is very tough and every team is unpredictable but I would say Zalmi and the Qalandars have the best combination,” Zalmi president Inzamam said during a contract signing between last edition’s losing finalists and Dawn Group.
The seventh edition of the month-long PSL kicks off in Karachi from Jan 27 and Inzamam has high hopes from his side, which has made the final on four occasions but won the title only once in 2017. “The team looks well-balanced under the captaincy of Wahab Riaz and he’s improved in his role both as skipper and bowler.”
He was confident that the PSL would go ahead despite the Omicron variant of Covid-19 raging in Pakistan.
“The PCB has made special arrangements that this edition goes ahead,” he said, after the last two editions were interrupted due to Covid-19.
He said that “every cricketers wanted to perform in front of packed stadiums”, when asked about the government allowing stadium capacity up to only 25% due to the pandemic.
The former Pakistan chief selector also suggested that top coaches should be working at domestic level in order to groom players who could do well at international level.