Mumbai Police have detained a suspect in connection with the shocking stabbing of actor Saif Ali Khan, which took place at his Bandra residence on January 16, 2025. The arrest follows an extensive manhunt across Mumbai and surrounding areas. The suspect, captured on CCTV at 2:33 a.m. near the actor’s apartment, is being transported to Bandra Police Station for questioning.
Authorities believe the intruder accessed Saif’s 11th-floor apartment using the fire escape. The attack unfolded at approximately 2:30 a.m. when the suspect confronted the household staff. Saif intervened to protect his family and staff, leading to a violent altercation during which he suffered multiple stab wounds, including a critical injury near his thoracic spinal cord.
The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where surgeons removed a 2.5-inch knife fragment from his spine and addressed a spinal fluid leak. Although Saif is out of danger, he remains under ICU care. The household maid also sustained injuries while defending herself from the intruder.
Family members, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sara Ali Khan, Ibrahim Ali Khan, and Sharmila Tagore, have been by Saif’s side. Celebrities such as Malaika Arora and Karan Johar gathered at Karisma Kapoor’s residence to offer support during this challenging time.