Shahid Kapoor spoke on Friday about the shocking stabbing incident involving his “Rangoon” co-star Saif Ali Khan, who was attacked by an intruder in his high-rise Bandra apartment. Saif, 54, sustained six stab wounds, including one to his neck, during the early morning assault on Thursday. Following emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital, doctors confirmed he is out of danger.
At the trailer launch of his upcoming movie “Deva,” Shahid expressed disbelief and concern. “We hope Saif’s health is better. We hope he is feeling better. We are all shocked with what happened to him in his personal space. It’s difficult to absorb something like this in a city like Mumbai. I’m sure the police are trying their best…”
Highlighting Mumbai’s reputation for safety, Shahid added, “Mumbai is a very safe city. When a family member or ladies go out at 2 am, it’s still safe. It’s a shocking incident. We are hoping and praying for his recovery soon.”
When asked about handling such incidents as a real-life police officer, referencing his role in “Deva,” Shahid responded, “What you are saying is a sad incident. We all are very concerned in the fraternity.”
Mumbai police detained a suspect connected to the attack on Friday morning, as Saif continues to recover and is moved from the ICU to a private room.