Mumbai Police detained the primary suspect behind the brutal attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan on Friday morning. The incident occurred in the early hours of Thursday at Saif’s Bandra residence, where the intruder stabbed the actor multiple times.
Saif was rushed to the hospital with the weapon still lodged in his spine and underwent surgery. Doctors report that his condition is now stable, but he remains under close observation.
According to a report, the suspect initially targeted and surveyed superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s residence, Mannat. However, he was unable to gain entry due to the property’s tight security. After his plan to infiltrate Mannat was thwarted, the accused shifted his focus to Saif Ali Khan’s building, Satguru Sharan, which reportedly had less stringent security.
The intruder successfully accessed the 12th floor of the building, where Saif lives with his family. He entered the room of Saif’s youngest son, Jehangir Ali Khan, but was discovered by a staff member. The situation escalated when the attacker, demanding 10 million Indian rupees, got into an argument with the staff.
Hearing the commotion, Saif arrived, leading to a confrontation. In an attempt to protect his family, Saif engaged with the intruder but was stabbed multiple times. CCTV footage captured the attacker fleeing the premises after the assault. Following an intensive investigation, the police apprehended the suspect and brought him to the Bandra Police Station.
While Saif is now out of danger, his family has requested privacy during this challenging time. Fans and the film fraternity continue to express concern and wish for the actor’s speedy recovery.