Minister of State for Information Technology Shaza Fatima Khawaja informed the National Assembly on Friday that there has been a 28% increase in information and computer technology exports in the first six months of the current fiscal year.
Responding to the Question Hour, she said that this increase in exports was directly proportional to the rise in internet usage and speed in the country.
Shaza Fatima pointed out that VPNs and WhatsApp are fully functional. She mentioned that comprehensive efforts are underway to bring substantial improvement in the overall internet experience.
Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change Ahmad Atteeq Anwer told the House that the national flagship initiative, the Up-scaling of Green Pakistan Programme, is being implemented with a target of planting 3.29 billion trees by 2028.
He mentioned that the plantation and distribution of 2.2 billion plants across the country has been achieved since 2019. Under the programme, nationwide plantation campaigns are organized every year during spring and monsoon.
The Parliamentary Secretary also mentioned that the government is considering establishing a new climate finance governance framework to streamline processes and improve access to climate finance.
The House has now been adjourned to meet again on Monday at 5pm.