Tabu has announced her next exciting project, Bhooth Bangla, a horror-comedy film set to bring her back to a familiar genre. She shared a picture on Instagram with a clapboard reading, “Balaji Telefilms Ltd Presents Bhooth Bangla.”
In her post, she captioned, “Hum yahan bandh hain (we are trapped here),” signaling her return to the genre. Tabu tagged co-stars Akshay Kumar, Jisshu Sengupta, Wamiqa Gabbi, and others, as well as director Priyadarshan and production house Balaji Motion Pictures.
In Bhooth Bangla, Tabu dives once again into the world of horror-comedy, a genre she has mastered. She previously played the iconic twin witches – Manjulika and Anjulika – in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 (2022) and starred in Rohit Shetty’s Golmaal Again (2017). The film marks another collaboration with Priyadarshan and Akshay Kumar, following their successful work on the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series and other hit films like Hera Pheri (2000).
Produced by Ekta Kapoor, Bhooth Bangla is scheduled for release on April 2, 2026, and is expected to continue the successful pairing of Tabu, Priyadarshan, and Akshay Kumar in the genre.