In a tragic event, two teenage girls in Gujranwala tied their father, Ali Akbar, with ropes and set him on fire, resulting in his death.
Case Details
- Ali Akbar, who had three marriages and 10 children, lived with his two wives and children in a rented house.
- Police have registered a case and arrested the two daughters, aged 16 and 12.
- The FIR also names the victim’s second and third wives as suspects in the incident.
Allegations and Investigation
- The victim’s sister alleged in the FIR that the two wives and their daughters sedated Akbar and set him on fire in a premeditated act.
- The daughters admitted to tying their father and setting him ablaze using petrol extracted from a motorcycle.
Ongoing Investigation
Authorities are conducting a thorough probe to determine the motive behind this horrific incident.