Bollywood actor John Abraham, celebrated for his disciplined lifestyle and fitness, avoids eating on set but ensures his co-stars and crew are well-fed. Recently, Rohit Roy, who starred alongside John in Mumbai Saga (2021), highlighted John’s thoughtful gestures and shared valuable fitness tips he received from him.
In an interview, Rohit revealed that John consistently avoided eating on set but took care of everyone else. He would often tell his co-stars to skip carbs the day after indulging to balance out overeating and maintain fitness.
“The first day, I noticed he didn’t eat anything… the second day, it was the same. Then I realized he was calling us for food, feeding us, but not eating himself. He’d say, ‘Don’t feel guilty. You’ve eaten, so tomorrow, just avoid carbs.’ That was genuine advice,” Rohit shared.
Rohit also mentioned that during shoots in South Mumbai, they frequently ordered food from Shaad Randhawa’s restaurant, Bayroute. The team enjoyed dishes like kebabs and hummus, with John personally taking care of the crew’s meals.
Despite his busy schedule, the Pathaan actor maintained a rigorous workout routine at home and still showed up on set punctually. John also motivated Rohit to stay fit, as the latter was determined to build a physique bigger than John’s to prove his merit for the role beyond his friendship with director Sanjay Gupta.