Indian singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya, notorious for his provocative statements, has sparked controversy once again. During a recent podcast, Abhijeet referred to Mahatma Gandhi as the “father of Pakistan,” stating, “Mahatma Gandhi is not the father of India but of Pakistan. India existed before that; Pakistan seceded from India later. Gandhi has been mistakenly called the father of India.”
In response, Pune-based lawyer Asim Sarode has sent a legal notice on behalf of his client, Manish Deshpande, demanding an apology. The notice warns that failure to issue an apology will lead to legal proceedings under sections 353 (public disorder) and 356 (defamation) of the Indian Penal Code.
The notice also highlights Gandhi’s contributions, particularly his efforts to promote Hindu-Muslim unity. It recalls Gandhi’s statement during the partition debate: “India will be divided only over my dead body. As long as I am alive, I will never accept partition.”
Abhijeet, known for his contentious remarks, has previously faced criticism for targeting Pakistani artists and, more recently, British singer Dua Lipa, accusing her of not crediting him during a performance in Mumbai.