Reports of Kiara Advani being hospitalized on Saturday morning caused a stir, but her team quickly addressed the matter. The actress, expected to attend the trailer launch and press meet for her upcoming film Game Changer in Mumbai, was notably absent. According to her team, Kiara has not been hospitalized but has been advised to rest due to exhaustion from her busy schedule.
During the event, the emcee announced that Kiara had been hospitalized, sparking speculation. However, no details about her illness were provided. Her team later reassured fans that she is recovering well and taking a break to regain her energy.
Kiara’s Role in Game Changer
Kiara will star opposite Ram Charan in Game Changer, a political drama directed by S Shankar. The film’s teaser, recently unveiled in Lucknow, depicts Ram transitioning from academia to action, fighting against corrupt politicians and advocating for fair elections. The teaser also showcases romantic moments between Kiara and Ram, adding an emotional layer to the story.
Scheduled for release on January 10, Game Changer promises to deliver a gripping narrative. Kiara, married to actor Sidharth Malhotra since February 2023, continues to mesmerize audiences with her versatile performances.